Work Flows

So by this point you've heard the solo mini-series thing that I've been working on, and I hope you liked it. It's been a lot of fun to make. But it has revealed some things about my workflow that I'm trying to figure out, some of which is new and some of which is old problems in new packaging.

The old problem in new packaging is the idea of "friction." Friction, in the creative context, is how much effort and energy it takes to get started on a project when you're not in project-mode. Friction takes a lot of forms, from having to get materials out to being in the right headspace. For those of us with jobs and families, friction is a major hurdle. When you've already been using your brain for 14 hours, you really need a simple way of dropping into the groove without being tempted by something easier to do (social media, video games, sleep, etc.)

So when I started the Tricky Fox Tales, it was when I was still recovering from surgery, and friction wasn't an issue. I was just sitting around all day looking for things to do, so I had plenty of energy and focus left to do the project in the way that I wanted.

Stick a pin in that line of thought for a second because I need to talk about the new problem for the old one to make sense.

As I talked about in a previous blog post, I was experimenting with different work flows involving paper, iPads, VR, etc. What I found is that I REALLY LIKE writing by hand now. My typing speed is very fast (90-120 wpm) but that meant that I could type almost as fast as I can think. And in the past I liked that, because it was like turning on a fire hose of words and they would just blast onto the page at a rate that makes a lot of people jealous.

But I also have to take into account that my life, and the pace of life in general, is different.

There's a bunch of examples I could make, both specific and in general, but to illustrate my point I'm just going to talk about going to sleep. Every night, I stick an airpod in one ear, find something to put on, and drop off to sleep. It's usually and podcast or some kind of long form YouTube video or sometimes I'll just load up the Dragonball Z Abridged playlist and let that run. I do this every single night. And sometimes, if I wake up halfway through the night, I switch the airpod so the other can get charged, put on something else and drop to sleep again.

I didn't used to do that. I used to lie there and think about stories and ideas and let my mind wander around.

In general, there used to be a lot more empty time for me to think. When I went to turn on the fire hose of words, I had already thought about what I was going to write, I was just solidifying it at that point. But right now, with the pace of my life, I don't have that. I've been trying to add that back in where I can, but there are some areas (like work for example) where it's not in my control.

Writing by hand has forces me to go slower, so it forces me to think about what I'm writing as I'm writing it. It gives me more THINK time. I'm more deliberate with word and sentence choices. And since I don't want to write a whole bunch of stuff and then cross it out, I will actually take the time to think for several minutes before I start adding words. This makes the process more mindful, meditative, relaxing, and more fun.

I have even started typing things ON MY PHONE. I am writing this post on my phone. I hated typing on my phone because it's so slow, but now that I appreciate slower speeds, I actually enjoy it.

So let's tie these things together.

In order to improve the quality of my work and the quality of the experience of creating the work, I have created more friction. This friction prevents me from doing the work on a consistent basis.


The real problem honestly is that when it comes to Tricky Fox Tales, I created too much friction. I gave the project its own notebook, and I was using this color coded system where dialogue was one color, dice roll stuff was another color, and the narrator was a third color.

The story I'm working on that I'm writing my hand is much simpler. It has a designated notebook, but that notebook also has a cover with a pen holder. I put the pen that writes the best in that notebook into the pen holder. That means in order to start that I just have to open the notebook, take out the pen that's already there, and start writing. For me to start on Tricky Fox Tales, I have to get out all of the RPG materials, character sheets, rule sheets, the special colored pens, and the special notebook.


Obviously I need to do it differently. I'm still working on that. Once I do, I think the rest of TFT will go faster, and I'm excited for that, it's very fun to do.

New Year 2024 Update

Happy New Year!

My leg is progressing on schedule, according to my physical therapist. Which is good news but also not super good news because I feel like the recovery from this is taking much longer than the recovery from the actual injury. But I feel like I'm more mobile every day and I'm working on my flexibility. All I can really do is be patient with myself.

Let's update!


At the beginning of my recovery period, back in December, I was A/B/C testing some different methods of writing. I tried writing by hand in a notebook, writing on an iPad notebook app with the Apple pencil, and tried typing in a VR space using my Quest 2.

The notebook wins. And that surprises me.

But for the first time since I worked on HEART AND SOUL FIST, I've actually looked forward to writing. Yes, it's "slow" by my typing speed standards, but it's a lot more meditative and relaxing. I KNOW its a draft, as I know if I decide to actually pursue it as a full project that I'm going to have to type it up as part of the revision process. But I find myself LONGING for it.

I bought this tray I used a lot when I first recovering to eat, but it works as a great surface to write on the notebook with. I use it on the couch or set it up in bed before I go to sleep and crank out a page or two. (The tray has a USB dock in it and it came with a mini-light!)

I think there's a focus in purpose that I enjoy about it. I can't look something up, I can't get distracted with a YouTube video, I can't start re-doing huge chunks of text just because. I only have me and the page and the words and it's just...a lot of fun.

As to what I'm writing, I'm not sure I'm going to talk much about it. It falls very much into the "New Adult" territory of literature (books written for and about 18-25 year olds) and the content is more mature than my "brand" is. Besides, who knows what I end up doing with it.


With Matt's status still undetermined, I have been racking my brain on what to do next. I really enjoy doing Coruscant is Cracking episodes, but the production part of my brain has a hard time with it. I still want the show to sound good, but I can't expect listeners to go out and upgrade their mic setups. There's also the fact that playing for a show is very different than just playing at the table.

I'm thinking of trying to find people to do 4-5 episode arcs. The problem is that my lack of output has disconnected me from the Star Wars/TTRPG community at large. I don't get cited as often, I don't get invited to roundtables, that sort of thing, and I used to. I don't blame anyone other than myself, but for that plan to work it means I'm going to have to do some legwork in connecting to the community, which at this point in time is a LOT harder to do than when we started.

To make more episodes, I need to know more people. But to meet more people, I need to make more episodes.

Well, I'll keep thinking about it.

Turning 40

I turned 40 back in November!

Which means that I'm supposed to panic or be introspective or something. Honestly, the number doesn't bug me that much, but I'm always looking for an excuse to be introspective, so for a couple of weeks in November, I was. I spent a lot of time journaling and thinking about my creative trajectory: about what I had accomplished so far and what I wanted to do next.

And most importantly - why.

I should also mention that I'm writing this while I'm recovering from my ACL surgery - the one I tore back in July. That injury was...well, not really a "wake up" call, but a (not so gentle) reminder that my body is mortal and I need to start taking better care of it. So one of my big things is the concentration on health, mobility, strength, and diet - making it a much higher priority than I've ever had it in my life. This is probably my last best decade to get that in order before the real decline begins.

Anyway, there were a lot of other things I thought about and wrote about, but the one I want to share is the analysis of Silhouette Zero.

By every measure, Sil Zero has been the most successful thing I've ever done, creatively. Sure, people like and have been touched by the novels I've written. Yes, I had a small music career. But Sil Zero has had the broadest reach, made the most money, and has created a small but pretty awesome community around it. It's also the thing I've done the longest and most consistently.

And yet, it's probably the thing I cared about the least.

Let me clarify that.

In my other endeavors, writing in particular, I have put a lot of pressure on myself to be "great." But I never did that with Sil Zero. It was just...having fun with Matt, and then sharing it with everyone else.

And yet, it was the most successful thing. All of the stress of trying to be great hasn't amounted to anything great.

So that has become my motto for creativity moving forward - have fun, share fun.

I'm just going to do the things I want to do and enjoy doing, and then do them as best I can. Then I'll publish them. Or record them. Or upload them. And that's that.

Maybe it'll be under my name. Maybe a pen name. It doesn't really matter. Because at this phase of the game, trying for money hasn't worked and trying for greatness hasn't worked - so I might as well just have fun with it. A lot of what I've worked on recently hasn't been very fun to do.

Here's some stuff I want to do:

  • Make a video game. Mostly just to say that I've done it.

  • Write a solo RPG I thought of. I wrote a bunch of it down yesterday, actually.

  • Write a novel that is absolutely nothing like anything I've ever done and is way out of my comfort zone. I already started.

  • Maybe finish a novel that only one other person in the whole world would actually enjoy because it is so specific.

  • Finish up the Persona 5 Fan Fiction. Those people have been waiting a while…

And maybe I'll do them and maybe I won't finish them or maybe they'll take forever, but who cares. If I'm enjoying it...then I'll share it when they're done.

Now, if you're here specifically about the podcast....I really don't know. Matt isn't dying or anything, but I don't know when he'll have the time to come back. And I don't know when the leg will be well enough for me to get back into SilZero HQ. So we'll just have to take that one month at a time. I'm open to suggestions, though.

So that's it, my reflections on turning 40.


Back in college, I had to take a speech class and it was...fine.

I actually learned not to judge sorority girls, but that's another story.

Anyway, in my speech class, we had to do a speech that explained something about ourselves to people. Despite being into super-music mode at the time, I actually decided to do my speech on my novel - the only one I had completed in its entirety at that point. I was 17 at the time, I wrote that one when I was 15.

The basic structure of the speech was that I went through all of the characters, one by one, and explained how each of them represented a different aspect of my personality. It wasn't something I had intentionally done when I wrote it, and I'm not even sure it's that accurate. Honestly, I probably just thought it was an easy way to organize the speech and keep it interesting and just ret-conned the different pieces of myself into the characters.

I'm bringing this up, though, because I think I've made an important step in my most recent creative block.

Two days ago I was writing an update to the Persona 5 Fanfic (henceforth to be referred to as "P5F"). The basis of P5F is that Nanako, the little girl from Persona 4, is the same age as the rest of the Phantom Thieves in Persona 5, and joins them on that adventure, and all the implications that entails. The way Nanako has panned out, though, is that in many ways she takes the same position on the team as Makoto, one of the original P5 characters, and thus they have had a lot of conflict because they are very similar to one another.

The scene I was writing was basically the two of them trying to smooth things over so they can work as a team. However, from Makoto's perspective, there were still things that Nanako did wrong, and Makoto says that even though she wants to be friends with Nanako, she will continue to call out Nanako when she thinks she's doing the wrong thing.

And when I wrote that sentence...something unlocked. It was a very visceral moment, as if a tension somewhere in my subconscious had finally been resolved. It was so physically resonant that I spent the whole day trying to figure it out. Why had that sentence been so meaningful? Why did I have that reaction?

The more I thought about it, the more I thought about that college speech, about how characters are a reflection of who I am - or at least parts of who I am.

And what I realized is that the reason Makoto's line resonated so well is because it's something I've been working on a lot in my professional life.

See...when you're the leader of anything, it's an uncomfortable truth that part of your job is to call out things when someone else is not doing their job. I do not relish it, but I have become much better at it. Still being kind and humane, but also understanding that I'm not doing anyone any favors by turning a blind eye - the same thing Makoto declared she was going to do in the story.

And that's when I realized I built too much of a wall between my professional life and my creative one.

I have changed a lot in my professional life as an educator, especially over the last three years. But I haven't allowed any of those new changes and new experiences to filter into my creative work. I'm still trying to write and create things like I'm 2019 Chris - the guy who was still teaching in the classroom and who hadn't lived in a pandemic. I haven't addressed any of the topics of my professional life in any creative work - nothing about leadership, about difficult work, about negotiating between people. All of my heroes are always lone rangers, working either outside of the system or bucking it.

But...I am the system in my professional life. I'm the bad guy, "the man." And there's a different kind of story that can be told from that perspective.

I don't really know what it means yet, but this realization has been very encouraging, and I'm working to integrate all sides of my life together again - not just professional into creative, but personal as well. I mean, I have four kids, and not once have I written about being a parent.

Let's go find out where this road leads.

Adventure Boredom

The other day I had an interesting idea for Patreon content.

I spent a couple of hours generating the background information, I got some input from the Discord, and I built up the basic structure.

I rolled some d20s.

I started typing.

And I was immediately bored.

It's hard to explain the type of boredom I feel when I know an idea isn't right. It's more than just like "wow this is drudgery" or "this is tedious" because there's always portions of a creative work that are tedious. I have enough mental discipline to push through moments that aren't terribly exciting.

This sense of boredom is almost a physical revulsion. I feel it in my gut, a deep sense of "blech, why am I doing this?" And I pretty much always just shut down after that point. There's no recovering from it. I may pick up the idea later, but that's usually only after I've figured out some different angle for it.

(I used to keep a file on my computer called "Bin" which was just where I threw stuff that didn't work. Now I just keep it all in a long list of files on the filetree in Obsidian. I go through it once in a while to see if there's anything worth resurrecting.)

I think I've become bored of adventures.

And as someone who primarily writes/creates in genre fiction, this is a bad sign.

I mean, I was never a straight genre-consumer. I need my stuff to have either something weird, or a lot of heart for the characters. Otherwise I get bored.

I don't know if it's an age thing or what, but I'm getting tired of the action sequences. I'm getting tired of the battles. I've talked before about how my tolerance for violence, even fictional, stylized violence, is constantly dropping.

So it's harder and harder for me to create.

I don't even know what genre I want to do anymore. Romance? Non-violent sci-fi? Surrealism? Mystery?

I feel like I'm in a transitional phase AGAIN, which sucks, because I feel like I just got through one and I didn't even produce any major works in between.

And as much as I love doing these guest episodes with all the listeners, it's just not the same. It is so much more work than just running the show in its normal format.

This morning I wrote an AU random fic passage of some characters I made a long time ago for an online RP. I sent it to my friend who played the other character. It was the first time in a bit that I've felt...normal about what I was doing.

It's gonna be a lot of "pointless" output for now, I guess.

At least the Persona 5 fanfic is still moving along.

Tape Leg

So I messed up my leg pretty badly two weeks ago. I tried to jump over a (super small) stream and missed.

I didn’t break anything, thank goodness, but it is possible I tore stuff. I got an MRI last week and I’m waiting for the results.

I’m getting more mobile by the day, but I was told it could take at least 6 weeks to heal, maybe longer if I need surgery.

Anyway, the really relevant part of this update is that because SilZero HQ is designed to be super compact, I haven’t been able to sit at that computer because I couldn’t bend my leg that far. But this morning, I’m writing this blog post from it!

It’s still not the most comfortable, but I should be able to start working on podcast edits in small bursts, and then recording once I gain enough flexibility and it also doesn’t feel like I’m being stabbed by a thousand needles when sit on it at that angle for too long.

The New Internet is Old Internet

With Twitter X-ing itself to oblivion, I wanted to share what I’ve been thinking about for a few months.

This new internet feels like the old internet.

I’m not talking about like 2010 internet, when social media was finding its legs and that first generation of really popular, successful content creators were getting their time in the sun. I’m talking about like 1995 internet, where everything was nickle-and-dimed and siloed into their own proprietary areas.

Twitter started suppressing mentions of other platforms to the point where everyone is talking in l33tspeak code again for thier “p@tr30ns.” Then they switched it over so you have to pay for your blue check if you want any realistic engagement with your posts.

Reddit killed off their third-party app support, which has made using it on mobile basically unusable for me - the whole point of reddit is you can customize your communities, and the official app does nothing but shove random other posts in my face that I have no interest in.

These corporations want to be AOL - the stranglehold of your internet experience.

I’m sad about it, oddly enough. I really liked Twitter, especially in the early 2010s, and I know it’s been changing a LOT since then, but it was still mostly functional until the new ownership change. And without reddit, I’m not sure I would’ve gotten a lot of attention for the podcast in the early days.

Of course this is the possibility of a new opportunity as new social media places drop in to try and fill the Twitter void. The frustrating part for me is that now I’m going to have to sign up on a bunch of them and see which ones pan out to being the ones that have the most possible reach. Right now I have signed up for a Counter Social, though I have only used it like once. I also signed up for which has a very AO3 vibe to it. I kinda like it, but I’m not sure how much it’s going to pick up.

I’m still waiting for my bluesky invite.

I also heard a lot of people are switching to misskey, which is a social media site in Japan. It looks uh…a little overwhelming. But I’ll keep an eye on it.

Hopefully the internet will continue to evolve and remind these mega-corps that they don’t, and can’t, own it.

The Meander

A couple of weeks ago I finished reading The Man Who Died Twice, by Richard Osman. I think it’s book 2 of his Thursday Murder Club series, but I didn’t read book 1.

(I actually have done this multiple times on accident and I kinda like starting on book 2…?)

(Also I picked it out from the library completely because he was on Taskmaster.)

It was a really fun read, but one of the things I loved about it - and about all novels, really - is “the meander.” Where the characters thoughts just kinda wander around, or even actions in the story happen that don’t really have a major relevance to the plot, but it’s just fun and you learn more about the people and you feel like you’re really connecting with them.

Sometimes I get caught up in the “modern” take of trimming everything down to racecar efficiency. It was good to remind myself that I enjoy the Meander.

Study Question: What do YOU think of “the meander”? Do you read them? Skip them? Are there books that do it too often? Are there genres that don’t do it enough?